• Strategic plan 2021-2024
The mission of the Belgian Midwives Association (BMA) is to connect, support and empower Belgian midwives. We are dedicated to provide quality, evidence based* midwifery, focussed on European and international matters, independently from political and corporate interests. We stand by the idea that we are stronger together, with respect for our diversity and with inclusivity for our political, religious and philosophical ideas.
BMA will distinguish itself as an inspirational, uplifting, leading organization in providing collaborative, inclusive, ambitious, reliable, support of Belgian midwifery as first choice health care provider. We will advocate explicitly for midwifery in Belgium, as defined at an European and global level: autonomous, medical, embracing each segment of the profession and supportive of midwifery education and continuous professional development.
• We connect Belgian midwives nationally on European and global matters
• We are determined to innovate in new forms of collaboration within the midwives’ associations
• We are committed to be authentic and work in transparency in the best interest of Belgian midwives
• By its representative nature, the BMA advocates for an integrative definition of midwifery
• BMA lobbies for a midwifery practice based on the best standards of quality care
*Evidence based midwifery is an adapted expression derived from Sackett et al. — evidence based medicine — and encompasses three dimensions being: updated literature, clinical expertise and women’s preferences.

• National Institute for Health and Disability Insurance
• Belgian Health Care Knowledge Center
• Citizens’ platform for a respected birth
• Samen voor respectvolle geboorte
• Royal College of French-speaking Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Belgium
• Vlaamse Vereniging voor Obstetrie en Gynaecologie